Mini Project #1
Warfare Plotter

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CIC News
January 10, 2009
CIC Mini Project #1 version publicly released, improving internationalization, revamping the scenario file format, introducing a new instruction manual, and other useability improvements.

June 16, 2007
CIC Mini Project #1 version publicly released, adding capability for end-users to create their own custom base maps.
Mini Project #1 Scenarios & Such page added.

February 24, 2007
CIC Mini Project #1 version publicly released, handy internal changes make loading scenarios fast!

August 6, 2006
CIC Mini Project #1 nearing completion, unit information shown, heading changes accepted, and units move!

April 14, 2006
CIC Mini Project #1 initiated, Plotting Board for rules development and paper game play aid.

July 13, 2004
Work continues albeit at a slower pace than before. That's what summer does to you. We would like to thank all of you who have been providing input and encouragement. It is very much appreciated.

May 10, 2004
CIC General Public Announcement

The past few years the naval warfare simulator community has seen many products come and go. Some have good, some bad. While each one of these games had something to offer we were all left with a desire for something a little different, a little better. We all had items we wanted to add. Something we would have like to have seen a little different. All that stops now. Here is your chance to be heard and make a difference. A group of friends, normal community members just like you have created Strategy Sims and have formed a development team to give you the simulation you have always wanted and deserve. We call it CIC. This will not be possible without your help and support. The way we need that help is for you to gather all your wishes, wants, and desires and let us know what they are. While we feel we have a good start here on our own we realize it will not be reflective of the community without the communities support. You can gives us these ideas through our mailing list (details on how to join on our webpage http://www.stratsims.com/cic.php). Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear your input soon.


The CIC Development Team

May 3, 2004
Webpage and Email Group launched.

May 1, 2004
Decision is made to start exclusive development of CIC

March 3, 2004
Disillusioned with the current state of computer war games, a group of friends begin discussing options.